TOI TOI® offers sanitization and disinfection services both for our equipment and for your facilities, whether they are industrial, offices, or any collective, health, education or commercial center, which require a disinfection or sanitization intervention in an approved and certified way in compliance with the sanitary protocols in force.
Basically, both the method of application and the result of healthiness are practically the same. The product applied in each case is designed to combatviruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and amoebae. The most important differences are shown in the table.
(*) The waiting time indicates the period that has to elapse from the application of the product until the disinfected / sanitized spaces can be used.
Product application is carried out by trained and qualified personnel through a process ofspraying, fogging and UVC systems approved in the EC.
Gasoline: High power, suitable for open spaces such as patios, sports facilities, etc...
Electric: Medium / low power, environmentally friendly (powered by solar panels and internal battery), suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces such as classrooms, offices, facades, dining rooms, etc... Being an electric sprayer, it does not leave any odor.
Manual: Medium / low power. It sprays less quantity than the electric one, so it is indicated for the application in more delicate areas.
Mini: It is a short range sprayer. Suitable for disinfection of keyboards, monitors and other computer peripherals.
The UVC systems for air and surface disinfection areCE certified and have a long and reputable experience in the most demanding sector: HEALTH.
It is used in hospitals, health centers and especially for the disinfection of surgical material. It acts effectively for the elimination of bacteria, viruses, mold and protozoa. The treatment can be applied on any surface, leaves no trace and has a reliability of 99%.
Is it effective against coronavirus? YES: Coronavirus is sensitive to UVC light and after being exposed to it for a certain period of time, it is destroyed and loses the ability to infect.
We do this with a label that indicates the date and the service technician who performed the operation, thus ensuring compliance and traceability of the service. These are the labels that identify disinfection or sanitization.
No problem, you only have to request it and our Technical Department will contact the person in charge who requests it.
At the beginning of the month our system automatically generates and sends all the Certificates corresponding to the previous month, so that they can be exhibited, kept or presented to the Administration.